A: You need to register as a tutor first. Once registered, you can browse the latest jobs at this page. You can then apply to any job you are interested in.
A: After applying, if you are selected for a job, our team will contact you within 5 days. If no one contacts you, that means you are not selected for that job.
A: The payment amount differs for each job. Please click 'View Detail' at any job in this page to see the amount of payment to the tutor.
A: The commission amount differs for each job. Please click 'View Detail' at any job in this page to see the amount of commission to be paid to TutorKami.
A: No, you don’t have to pay the commission upfront. The commission amount to TutorKami (if chargeable) will be automatically deducted from your first payment.
A: If the client is satisfied with your performance after the first session, you will be required to complete the rest of the sessions for that cycle (1 cycle is usually 4 weeks of classes). Once you have completed the cycle, submit the class record to us and we will transfer to your bank account the whole payment for that cycle.
A: Login and go to ‘Update Account’. Inside the menu there is an option to Delete Account.