Your photo will be analysed by our Artificial Intelligence (AI) processor. Your photo will only be allowed to be uploaded if it passed all the following criteria:
1. Only 1 face is allowed. If your photo has more than 1 faces (full or partial), it will be declined. Your face must cover at least 20% of the photo (that means your face cannot be too small, or too far) but must be less than 65% of the photo (that means your face cannot be too big or too near to the camera).
2. Your photo must be a real human face. Portrait, caricature, drawing, animation, sketches, or any non-human face will be automatically rejected.
3. Your body must cover 1/4 of the photo. That means you cannot upload a photo that only shows your face.
4. If your photo contains any word to notify the viewer on how to contact you (e.g phone number, email, Instagram/Facebook/Tiktok ID etc), it will automatically be rejected.
5. Please ensure your photo is in the right orientation (face at the top, body below). You can use the rotate button to rotate your photo to the correct orientation before submitting.
Refer samples of allowed photos below. For best results, please use a photo in portrait position/orientation. If you upload a photo in landscape orientation, it will be automatically cropped to a portrait.
Profile photo sample #1

Profile photo sample #2